Soul-bound magic, demonic possession, arcane mysteries, and an immortal lover that has sought her for centuries...

Reluctant Oracle Briana Spurrier is drawn into the web of fate by a series of tragedies that unlock her hidden powers. The only way to escape is to embrace what she is and use the magic inside her to reforge her own destiny.

The Skydancer Series

You can't outrun Fate.

Mixes urban fantasy with delightful dark angst and wring-your-heart-out romance.

—Amazon Reviewer

An enjoyable, creative and original urban fantasy.

—Turning Another Page

A first-rate introduction to a protagonist as remarkable as the magic she wields.

—Kirkus Reviews

—Kirkus Reviews

A first-rate introduction to a protagonist as remarkable as the magic she wields.

—Turning Another Page

An enjoyable, creative and original urban fantasy.

—Amazon Reviewer

Mixes urban fantasy with delightful dark angst and wring-your-heart-out romance.

Briana never wanted to be witch. Fate has other plans.

Bri turned her back on her magical heritage to chase her dream career, but now a spell cast with her grandmother’s dying breath has unleashed her dormant Oracle powers, drawing her into a world of dangerous magic and cryptic prophecy.

Thanks to her family’s tragic history, Bri is a pariah in her hometown, and the only other witches she can turn to are her childhood best friend Astrid and Kean—her first love. They are convinced destiny has reunited them for a reason and determined to help break the curse on Bri’s bloodline. 

But the longer she stays, the more people die.

Tortured by chaotic visions of fire and blood, Bri must harness her powers and navigate the dangerous waters of her past—and past life—to unmask the evil hunting in her shadow. Before it kills the only loved ones she has left. 








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Briana never wanted to be witch. Fate has other plans.

Bri turned her back on her magical heritage to chase her dream career, but now a spell cast with her grandmother’s dying breath has unleashed her dormant Oracle powers, drawing her into a world of dangerous magic and cryptic prophecy.

Thanks to her family’s tragic history, Bri is a pariah in her hometown, and the only other witches she can turn to are her childhood best friend Astrid and Kean—her first love. They are convinced destiny has reunited them for a reason and determined to help break the curse on Bri’s bloodline. 

But the longer she stays, the more people die.

Tortured by chaotic visions of fire and blood, Bri must harness her powers and navigate the dangerous waters of her past—and past life—to unmask the evil hunting in her shadow. Before it kills the only loved ones she has left. 







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What would you be willing to sacrifice for love?

Nothing is going as Oracle Briana Spurrier envisioned. She abandoned her comfortable lifestyle and high-powered career to take on the mantle of her destiny as a great seer, but since the fateful night that set her on this path, her visions have been quiet. Only a general sense of foreboding, like a storm about to break, haunts her steps. The Syond’s eyes are watching, and somewhere, Lucas Moncrieffe—the half-demon bound to her soul—is waiting for the opportune moment to pounce.

When the answer to Bri’s prayers arrives in the cryptic form of one of the Synod’s shadow guards, she suspects it’s a trick, but the promise of a spell to set things right is too tempting to resist.  

Lucas won’t let her go alone, so Bri sets off with two immortals into the White Wood, a legendary forest in Romania that is the lair of an ancient enchantress. But the enchantress has plans of her own for the fledgling Skydancer, and her aid will come with a blood price.









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What would you be willing to sacrifice for love?

Nothing is going as Oracle Briana Spurrier envisioned. She abandoned her comfortable lifestyle and high-powered career to take on the mantle of her destiny as a great seer, but since the fateful night that set her on this path, her visions have been quiet. Only a general sense of foreboding, like a storm about to break, haunts her steps. The Syond’s eyes are watching, and somewhere, Lucas Moncrieffe—the half-demon bound to her soul—is waiting for the opportune moment to pounce.

When the answer to Bri’s prayers arrives in the cryptic form of one of the Synod’s shadow guards, she suspects it’s a trick, but the promise of a spell to set things right is too tempting to resist.  

Lucas won’t let her go alone, so Bri sets off with two immortals into the White Wood, a legendary forest in Romania that is the lair of an ancient enchantress. But the enchantress has plans of her own for the fledgling Skydancer, and her aid will come with a blood price Bri may not be willing to pay.







Love is a magic of its own, with the ability to change hearts and shape destinies. In a world steeped in ancient powers, passions run deep, and betrayal lurks around every corner.  But some souls are meant to be united, and Fate will not be denied.


Zyne Legacy

She’s fierce, but he’s never met a creature he couldn’t tame. 

Street hustler Audrey Taylor has never felt bad about using her magical gifts to survive, but apparently the Zyne witch council has a problem with it. Now she’s trapped in their fortress and forced to study their rules or else lose her powers entirely. Escaping would be much simpler if the reclusive falconer assigned to be her mentor wasn’t so disarmingly perceptive and distractingly sexy.

Zyne Falconer Corvin Wright would rather tend to his birds and keep out of council recruiting efforts, but when his sanctuary is threatened, he reluctantly takes on a novice to train. Only, Audrey is wilder and more broken than any of the animals he cares for. It will take all of his considerable patience and empathic powers to break down her walls, but the more time they spend together, the more danger he is in of losing his heart. 

With a young girl to rescue, a band of evil sorcerers hunting her, and the immortal guards of the council haunting her every move, Audrey’s only choice is to betray the only person who’s ever really seen her. She doesn’t believe in happy endings...but what if she’s wrong?




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She’s fierce, but he’s never met a creature he couldn’t tame. 

Street hustler Audrey Taylor has never felt bad about using her magical gifts to survive, but apparently the Zyne witch council has a problem with it. Now she’s trapped in their fortress and forced to study their rules or else lose her powers entirely. Escaping would be much simpler if the reclusive falconer assigned to be her mentor wasn’t so disarmingly perceptive and distractingly sexy.

Zyne Falconer Corvin Wright would rather tend to his birds and keep out of council recruiting efforts, but when his sanctuary is threatened, he reluctantly takes on a novice to train. Only, Audrey is wilder and more broken than any of the animals he cares for. It will take all of his considerable patience and empathic powers to break down her walls, but the more time they spend together, the more danger he is in of losing his heart. 

With a young girl to rescue, a band of evil sorcerers hunting her, and the immortal guards of the council haunting her every move, Audrey’s only choice is to betray the only person who’s ever really seen her. She doesn’t believe in happy endings...but what if she’s wrong?




the Legacy

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